Experience and Education
Research associate, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Jan. 2023 - Present

Lab: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Computational Cell Biology.
 • EPCP Summer school 2023 (Paris, France - 2023): Economic principles in cell biology.
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
Sept. 2021 - Dec. 2022

Lab: Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Program (OEB), Prof. Frédéric Guillaume's group.
 • DrosEU/ESEB STN Summer school (Prague, Czech Republic - 2022): Integrating -omics approaches for eco-evolutionary research.
 • PRACE Autumn School (Kajaani, Finland - 2021): Introduction to deep-learning and GPU computing.
Postdoctoral research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Szeged, Hungary)
May 2018 - Aug. 2021

Lab: Dr. Balazs Papp laboratory.
Postdoctoral research fellow, INRIA (Lyon, France)
May 2019 - Aug. 2020

Lab: Project-team INRIA-Beagle.
Ph. D. Computational and mathematical modeling of bacterial evolution, INSA-Lyon (Lyon, France)
Nov. 2013 - Nov. 2017 (defended on 17th Nov., 2017)

Lab: Project-team INRIA-Beagle.
Subject: Studying the evolution of bacterial micro-organisms by modeling and numerical simulation approaches.
Supervisors: Prof. Guillaume Beslon, Prof. Carole Knibbe.
Training: Berder-Villers School 2015: Sex and Gender: from Biology to Sociology.
M. Sc. Computational and mathematical biology, Université de Lyon (Lyon, France)
2011 - 2013

• 2012-2013: Indirect selection of variability in fluctuating environment. Supervisor: Prof. Guillaume Beslon.
• 2011-2012: Modeling the evolution of stochasticity of gene expression. Supervisor: Prof. Guillaume Beslon.
• 2011: Application of graph theory to metabolic stories. Supervisor: Prof. Vincent Lacroix.
B. Sc. Computational and mathematical biology, Université de Lyon (Lyon, France)
2008 - 2011

• 2010-2011: Inferring chromatine states by modeling genetic expression. Supervisor: Dr. Olivier Gandrillon.
• 2009: Lab internship (cellular and molecular biology). Supervisor: Dr. Olivier Gandrillon.

Teaching experience
Lecturer, undergraduate department, Heinrich Heine Düsseldorf Universität (Düsseldorf, Germany)

• In charge of the unit "Introduction to Metabolic Networks Modeling" (Linear algebra, linear/quadratic/logical programming, constraint-based modeling, ODEs, Python).
Teaching assistant, graduate department, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)

• Introduction to R,
• Population genetics tutorial with R,
• Population structure tutorial with R.
Teaching assistant, graduate department, INSA-de-Lyon (Lyon, France)

• Genetic algorithms and project management.
Teaching assistant, undergraduate department, INSA-de-Lyon (Lyon, France)

• C/C++ programming.

Supervision of students
Supervisor of Furkan Mert, Bachelor thesis, Henrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf (Germany)

• Evolutionary algorithms for growth balance analysis.
Supervisor of Aymeric Bonnamour, Master 1, Université de Lyon (Lyon, France)

• Combining landscape genetics and numerical simulation to understand how humans disperse invasive species on a landscape scale.

  • 2019-2020: INRIA@SiliconValley postdoctoral grant (1.5 year funding).
  • 2015: Grant (€5,000) from the Institute of Complex Systems (Lyon, France) to develop MoRIS.
  • 2013-2017: INRIA PhD fellowship funded by the European project EvoEvo (
  • 2011-2013: Merit scholarship (€200/month), granted by CROUS, Lyon, France.
  • 2011: Merit scholarship (€2,000), granted by Université de Lyon, France.

Implication in the Research Community
  • 2024: Reviewer for Science Advances.
  • 2022-2024: Reviewer for Peer Community In Evolutionary Biology (PCI EvolBiol).
  • 2021: Reviewer for Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution international journal.
  • 2021: Reviewer for Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) international journal.
  • 2017: Reviewer for BioSystems international journal.
  • Sept. 2017: Organizing committee of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life, Lyon, France.
  • 2013-2016: Development and management of the website of the European project EvoEvo (, EVLIT call of the FP7 program).

Computer skills
  • Programming languages: C/C++, Python, Bash, R.
  • Developing tools: Project management (Github Actions/Projects/Copilot, Slack, Jira, Trello), VCS (svn, git), Build and Packaging (autotools, Cmake, Pypi), Debug (gdb, Valgrind), Profiling and Code Optimization (Intel-Advisor, OSX-Instruments), Documentation (Doxygen, LaTeX, Github, Markdown, R-Knit), HPC and GPU-computing (TBB, OAR, Slurm, regular user of the computer clusters IN2P3 and CSC).
  • Scientific computing: R, GSL, numpy, scipy, mpmath, tidyverse.
  • Bioinformatics/Omics: samtools, vcftools, picard, Plink, GATK, Beagle, Gemma, Lep-MAP3, edgeR, Limma, Rsubread, WGCNA.
  • Constraint-based modeling and ODE solving: COBRApy, optlang, SBML, COPASI, libroadrunner, Tellurium.
  • Machine learning and deep-learning: pygmo, cma, Tensorflow, Keras, Keras tuner, Ray tune.
  • Visualization: matplotlib, ggplot, Jupyter Notebook, Google Collab.
  • Web: HTML, CSS, SQL, Hugo, WordPress, Bootstrap.
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